yep there it is on the wall the next year i will find an online camera rebuilder and visit the shop get a deal on a rebuilt camera and post high rez pics of the wall fish above
yep i now have a giant ultra high frequency fish hooked up to my tv card home is now an undersea worldclick the pic to see it bigger but not much bigger because it was taken with a camera that stopped working years ago
once again an update on the fishy project to the left there was more glueing and clamping then below there was well more glueing clamping and waiting ...
Glueclampwait go ahead and click the pics to see them bigger even though the toy camera took 19 640 by 480 pics so this is the best of the crop of pics taken
two more pictures and you might have to click on the pics to see em bigger as they have bin taken with the toy camera that stopped working some time ago ...just a bunch more glueing trimming and clamping 2 days worth of pics
bust out the tight bond because there was more glueing and clamping at the art shop and i guess there seems to be something mighty fishy about this picture of the fish eye me using the jam camera intestines and all
here is a pic of a combination wood and metal fish i am making for my wall ... i stopped by the art shop to glue and clamp the wood head of the fishy project you can see the week before i welded up the ribs