instead of using the previous succotash recipes one and two i am going to start with the rice first so first i got the water to a boil with some salt in it and added the brown rice for its 45 minute journey to done
5 minutes before the brown rice is done and i added a can of beans to the boil instead of any meat as this is a zero cholesterol recipe
its about 10 minutes later at a lower boil and i have added the main ingredient succotash
gave it a squrt of soy sauce for flavor
in the next 5 minutes i ate 2 mushrooms and sliced and added 3 mushrooms to cream it up a bit
turned the heat down for the mushrooms
wile the succotash is cooling i am going to boil up a bucket of ice tea watching to take the tea bag out by the first minute of the boil as if you boil tea too long the acids come out of the leaf and make the tea acidy
succotash has cooled down and its ready to publish on my foododocumentary blog