i yelled quiet in the set and got bizzy with the first ufo animation with 13 pages weighing in at 224 k so it might be a few 2 many pages but there it is below ... and this animation went on to become the icon for my spacecraft
and its more reserch for me as i have to go inside the ufo and remove the flasher bulb because the flasher wont let me do the animation in 7 to 9 pages[a flash would be 2 pages] ...if i could get it to make one revolution in 7 pages with the lights on it would spin forever ....below is a windmill animation i made thats 3 pages long it displays page 1 then 2 then 3 then starts at 1 again and recirulates continusly
as you can see im nailing the rubber hose around the outside of the ufo, this should give the apearance of internal lights flashing through the paint below are some more pics
today i added the lights and did a little animation of them flashing on the outside edge ...i would guess that the lights are windows in a small supercolider that spins electroplasma so fast that the ship creates its own gravity by vibrating the spin up down or sideways and the windows become good nav lights ...below is the ubduction window lights for cows and people or just drawing a crop circle
painted the ufo silver to get the most common color and shape i surfed the web for ufo pics and dipictions and renderings and it looks like silver with blue lights around the edge is gonna look the most real
i worked on the space ship model for quite some time and its begining to look like a UFO... below is some pics of the latest progress click the pics to see em bigger
im still working on the shape of the ufo before i take several pics in a row of it spinning and make a new animation for the top of my vox hopefully as big as the one i got up there now ...click on the pics to see em bigger