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me and acorn squash
via jeffys.typepad.com
train video after having quite a bad flu for seems like 2 weeks and putting up with other nasty stuff im feeling better and heres a train video to prove it ... dart blue line in the west end
train video
hogy sorry about the misspellings but im eating
bootcat yep i did several pics of boots whyyyyyyyy ...heres another one of bootcat here
Jefpi_ 20 in an ocean of blogs i joined a forum and got a free blog out of it too ...very cool place
in an ocean of blogs i joined a forum and got a free blog out of it too ...very cool place
squirreler i cant think of anything cute to say so i guess this will do
screwthingy if i had time to read the thingy on the front i could say more but it looks like it moves
jefzila has added a post:
bird flight
10 sec bridge ride riding my bike over the oldest bridge on the bike trail ... for those that dont get out much no problem i brought outside to you
10 sec bridge ride
hidden bunny
lake trees
field of firewheels now this is good wall paper .... click on it to save it bigger
soaring at the lake
Maknsculpture this animation is one of my theries of how aliens from another galixy make sculpture ...click on the pic to play again
train coming through train video, rail fanning video, they are all good tags for this blog entry today green line passing
train coming through
balloon flowers opened