this is another test of the reblog button but with a single picture in it ... i clicked edit in typepad and it carried the embedded pic ... single pic posts seem to repost well
yep thats me and sponge bob giveing it the old what for on the front line and doing well for the lag useing m4v ipod and phone compadible video and just plain getting down with the clowns ... testing the reblog button cadigory video
yep i finily got another blooming cosmos pic theres not many out there and most of them dont like to bloom so i took 2 pics and put them up on 2 seporate servers one here and one there
some people wonder how and why i have so many free blogs ... its simple i have lost several blogs threw the years with rumers of arbitrary programs, decripting, cgi bots, viruses, weak php writing, and big green monsters called key log bots so i figured i would get several difernt brands of blogs in case the big green monsters ate some of em ... or something
i made a website for my cat a few years back and then i made this tin garden gnome on the right. I named him app, his middle name is dot and his last name is book then i made him a facebook and named it then i added my facebook here by clicking account other accounts ... most cool